Wednesday 14 November 2012

Eat Up For a Flat Belly!

Here at Reve , we promote a Healthy Lifestyle. A Healthy Mind Body and Spirit. "If you treat your body good , then your body will be good to you", it's that simple . Today , i will be sharing with you some tips on what to eat for a flat belly . This might sound strange to some " Eat for a Flat Belly". From a young age we've always heard "Maintain a balanced diet .. Eat things that are good for you". The food below are relatively inexpensive and can be found everywhere.

1. Almonds and Other Nuts : With all the searches and books I've come across relating to a Flat belly , i saw Almonds and nuts. Almonds build muscle and reduce food cravings . It also fights obesity , heart disease , muscle loss , cancer and high bloods pressure . Now you know why Almonds and nuts are always recommended as " healthy snacks" , instead of eating that slice of cheese cake between meals .For best results , eat them with skins/shells in tact. The great thing about nuts is that they come in a variety and they are inexpensive and can be found everywhere .

2. Beans and Legumes : These do not just make you "gassy" it has actual health benefits . It builds muscle , help burn fat and regulates digestion :-)

3. Iced Coffee : Coffee is an appetite suppressant . It increases your metabolism and gives you a shot of antioxidants . If your metabolism has been "super- charged " you will therefore have more energy . This simply means that your body gains weight at a really slow rate. It generally converts the excess calories into energy , thus helping you to maintain that flat belly .Tip: start your day with an 8 ounce coffee ( reg sized mug) or a "Tall" from Rituals Coffee House Jamaica . That is if you are an "avid coffee drinker" like myself :-)

4. Grape fruit : Did you know that people who eat half a grapefruit 3 times a day can lose up to 4 pounds in 12 weeks? It doesn't sound like a lot , but that's amazing by just eating Grapefruit continuously. The acidity in Grapefruits may slow down your rate of digestion , keeping you full for a longer period of time.

5. Apple : "An apple a day keeps extra weight away". Apples are a great source of Vitamin C and also "belly filling " fiber . Ever wondered why you always feel so full after eating a piece of apple? It's because it requires a lot of chewing , which actually makes you think you are eating more than you actually are . If eaten 15 minutes before lunch , you will take in less fat than is required .

6. Eggs: We know that eggs are a great source of protein . Eating Eggs in the morning can also help to control your hunger later in the day . Eggs are also great for muscle building which is why most Men who are trying to build mass will consume raw eggs in the morning . People who eat eggs in the morning are less likely to over eat the rest of the day .

These are the most common "Flat Belly Foods" i came across that are inexpensive and readily available . My main goal was to share with you that you can maintain a healthy lifestyle by using what you have around you . Be sure to check here every Wednesday to see our "Healthy Lifestyle" posts .

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