Good Morning REVEllers , i know most of you are excited to see all the new pieces we have in store .. but! i decided to wait until next week to do the big reveal . Today , i would like to look at another health option you can use to transform your mind and body . I'm talking about Yoga ! For those of you who might think that Yoga is something that only people in the States do , you are so wrong . Yoga really took off in Jamaica last year and continues to grow . More gyms and fitness studios have introduced Yoga to their schedule . Below , i will provide some general information on Yoga as well as the different levels and where in Jamaica you can find the best Yoga places.
What is Yoga?

"A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific"
"Yoga involves specific types of breathing and how to maintain a certain type of "peace".
Hatha is a slow paced yoga focused on breathing and meditation . This type of Yoga is great for Beginners. It relieves stress and is great as physical exercise .
Much like Hatha, Vinyasa covers basic poses and breath-synchronized movement. It also helps to improve strength and flexibility , tones the abdominal muscles and reduces the risk oh heart diseases , high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
Ashtanga yoga metaphorically focuses on eight limbs. Considered a form of power yoga, Ashtanga is fast-paced and intense with lunges and push-ups. This improves one's spiritual self , relieves stress and is great for people looking to maintain strength and stamina.
Iyengar covers all eight aspects of Ashtanga yoga and focuses on bodily alignment. Different props like straps, blankets, and blocks are used to assist in strengthening the body. Standing poses are emphasized, and are often held for long periods of time. It also helps to improve balance , speeds up recovery from an injury and builds body strength.
Also known as hot yoga, Bikram is practiced in a 95 to 100 degree room. It’s typically a series of 26 poses that allows for a loosening of tight muscles and sweating.
Yoga Places in Jamaica
Shakti Mind Body Fitness - 5 Bedford Park Ave
(876) 906-8403
Chai Studios - 88 Barbican Road
Core Fitness Studios- 29 Barbican Rd, Units 4&5 Sovereign North
Please do your research as it relates to trying Yoga or any form of exercise . Always find out what works for your body instead of jumping into
Visit us at Shop #13 Devon House , Kingston
Call: 876-908-2498
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