- Use the buddy system and shop with a friend. You are more likely to become a target if you are alone. Be sure that you have a list of the stores you want to go to in mind before leaving home . Criminals can easily spot people who have no idea where they are going and always "fumbling" around.
- Park your car in a well-lit area and keep track of where it's parked. This will get you in your car and on your way faster. I know it will be reaaallllyyyyy hard to find a "good: parking area around this time of year , but i would recommend staying away from those parking areas that say " vehicles are parked at owners risk " . This is basically saying " There are no security guards or fences , therefore if your car gets stolen or you get robbed .. we don't care .. we told you so ".
- Be careful what you post online. Don't alert others that you aren't at home. I can never understand why people with I-Phones feel they need to check into every location on Foursquare . Do they get points for checking in to places ? You are literally sending an invitation to all sorts of crazy people. People , please stop doing it , they are criminals out there just waiting to know where you are so they can mob you .
- Wear your purse across the body to keep your hands free for your keys, both when heading to your car and into your home.To all my Fashionistas ( like myself who love over sized bags) Opt for a cross body bag . Criminals will see a big bag and assume its full of money!
- Be just as vigilant about your surroundings during the daylight hours. A crime can occur at any time. I see ladies especially do this , they walk as if they live in a country where there is no crime . Blackberry or whatever posh phone in hand "flashing" around as if they are saying "hey look at me .. im sooo rich i have my phone in hand and its not even being used , come rob me". Be careful! If you notice that every store you go into you see the same guy in that orange shirt and yellow pants ( for example) ... it means you are being followed . Every now and again .. you should take several quick glances around you to see if you keep seeing a particular person.
- Wear Less Jewellery! That's self explanatory so i don't really need to get into this one

I know its Christmas and its all about Peace and Joy and having that Christmas spirit , but not everyone share these sentiments . There are people who wait on this time of year to prowl on those people who've worked hard all year long and easily take all that away in a matter of seconds.
Visit us at Shop #13 Devon House , Kingston Jamaica
Call :876-908-2498
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