Wednesday 2 January 2013

Detox For The New Year!

Good Morning REVEllers ! I trust you all had an eventful Holiday season . It's Wednesday and things are pretty much back to normal here in Jamaica . I know that most of you have made the Traditional New Years Resolution to "Lose Weight" or something Health related . I hope that most of you will actually stick to that Resolution and try to maintain a healthier Lifestyle instead of this resolution being just a fad . On that note , i would like to suggest a safer , cheaper way to be healthy for the new year.

Most people would associate Detox with sobriety of ridding one's self from toxins in Alcohol and Drugs . The truth is ...there are other ways of being Toxic . There are soooo many harmful foods and beverages that are consumed daily that might look and taste good but are detrimental to our health !

One way of Detoxing is with Herbal Teas . I first remember when i saw herbal teas at my house i seriously thought it was one of the "special" teas that would "flush my system" and would have me in the bathroom all day. That was kinda true ... but ..the good thing is that not only are they caffeine free, and healthy, but the tea consumption counts as part of the daily fluid intake requirement. This simply means that you will not be spending all day in your bathroom , but you will pass things that are harmful when you go to the bathroom ... get it ? Below are some of the most common Herbal Detox teas ( I've also included brief health benefits)

Ginger : I spoke extensively about Ginger in previous posts and by now you would have know that Ginger is great in assisting with Digestive issues. It also acts as a soother.

Chamomile : This is my all time favourite tea . This is great for calming the nerves at night or during stressful times. Even though it is a Detox tea it is known for helping with colds and cramps.

Lemon/ Fever Grass : This is known to rid the lungs of mucus , relive headaches, balance skin tone, acts as a mild sedative, and is even known to lower fevers.

A Detox Tea is a great way to rid your body of harmful toxins . If you decide to do a detox , be sure to do your research and know what works for your body . There are several types of Detox Teas on the market that are not limited to the ones mentioned in this post. You can find Detox Teas in your local Supermarket in the Tea aisle.

Visit us at Shop #13 , Call us at : 876-908-2498

*Images may be Subject To Copyright*

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